The Trent Queer Collective is Trent University's and the Peterborough/ Nogojiwanong Community's Marginalized Gender Sexual Romantic Identities Group. The TQC is about building and strengthening an active queer community at Trent and in the Peterborough area. As such, we are largely involved with organizing and running events for the MGSRI community. Check out our events here on our website, or on our Instagram.

As well as events, we also strive to create safe and inclusive environments for all people, especially those in the queer community. Feel free to check out our resources, or contact us if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

We're here, we’re queer, and we want you to join us!

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We’re under construction!

We’re in the process of making updates here, plus planning some other exciting changes behind the scenes. For our most up to date information and announcements, follow us on Instagram: @trentqueercollective

Upcoming Events